Foche e pinguini si godono il nuovo spazio oceanico nello zoo francese

Di proprietà della Fondation de France, lo zoo e il giardino botanico di Branféré in Bretagna (Francia) aderiscono a una filosofia di sviluppo sostenibile e consapevolezza ambientale. Coinvolto in programmi di conservazione e per reintrodurre specie animali in via di estinzione, il parco di 45 ettari ospita 1.400 animali provenienti da cinque continenti, che vivono in condizioni il più possibile simili a quelle dei loro habitat naturali. La Nicolas Hulot School for Nature and Man, un centro per l’educazione ambientale dedicato alla comprensione e al rispetto della biodiversità, è stata creata nel 2004. 

ID progetto

La Guerno, Francia


Laghi artificiali


PondGard EPDM


PondGard EPDM

In 2003, a circular decorative pond with a small island in the middle was renovated using Elevate’s PondGard EPDM membrane to encourage the presence of freshwater birds such as ducks and geese. In 2013, it was decided to create the ocean space. This space is made up of three ponds and accommodates common seals and Humboldt penguins. One of the ponds has a 14 m² window to see the seals swimming underwater. 

The choice of EPDM waterproofing membranes was essential, given their long-lasting durability and versatility. Their flexibility and elasticity enable complex shapes to be installed to best reproduce the shape of natural ponds. PondGard EPDM membranes are also compatible with aquatic life and are true to the park’s desire to protect the environment and biodiversity.

Huge rocks were placed over the membrane with the aim of reproducing the seals’ natural habitat as closely as possible. As such, the significant puncture resistance of the PondGard EPDM membrane was also crucial to the success of the project. Similarly, the large width of the PondGard EPDM membrane panels helped reduce the number of seams created on-site. This greatly facilitated installation, which took place in winter in unstable weather conditions.